Mar 11, 2009

Manga: Nodame Cantibile Chp 127

"Nodame Cantabile" has finally resumed! I just read chp 127 in the usual place and it brought a tear to my eye when in the last frame Chiaki asks, "wasn't I the angel?" It's kinda an ambiguous statement, but I took it as sorta sad, like he was supposed the angel that delivers the gift from God to Nodame. I guess my question is whether he feels that Streseman has taken that angel position from him by giving her a grand debut. But then there's the statement before in which Chiaki recalls his mother telling him that Nodame was his angel. And that kinda makes his statement sad, too, because he doesn't recognize the impact that Nodame has had on him. Then there's also that feeling that Nodame may not dependent on him anymore, but he still is dependent upon her -- like he's being left behind. Nodame's whole reason has been to stand toe-to-toe with Chiaki so they could share the stage in performance and in life. It's kinda sad that Chiaki doesn't get it. But that has to do with his own feelings of inferiority ...